Wheeling Park High School’s Greenhouse is in Bloom

Wheeling Park High School opened their annual greenhouse sale on Wednesday, May 1. The greenhouse will be operational and open daily to the public, Mondays-Fridays from 3-6 p.m. Read on to see how you can support Ohio County Schools and Career and Technical Education by making the WPHS Greenhouse your choice to support all spring and summer plant and floral needs!

“We love when people walk in and say, ‘WOW! You guys grew all this stuff!’” states Wheeling Park High School Agriculture teacher Mr. Ethan Bloomfield. Primarily student-led, the WPHS greenhouse has a wide assortment of products available for our community. “About 90% of the work in our greenhouse is completely done by students. They are responsible for planting, cutting, and watering,” Bloomfield explains.  Donald Headley, CTE teacher at WPHS, adds, “This class incorporates a lot of learning and various learning outcomes. It covers agriculture, business, and communication skills. Overall, it’s just great for our kids.”  

Wheeling Park High School Agriculture teacher, Ethan Bloomfield.

The greenhouse offers hanging baskets, a variety of vegetables, ferns, and 4.5-inch pots. Many CTE classes take an active role in preparation for the opening. The class at the helm is GreenHouse Management and Production, and products for purchase in the greenhouse range from $2.50-$17.  Botany, horticulture, agriculture, and collision repair also team up to assist in the opening.  

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Patience plays a huge role in the process.  Like many opportunities in life, good things come to those who wait. “A lot of kids don’t realize how much is involved in this process. But for our kids that want to be out here, they enjoy it the most. It’s labor intensive, but it’s worth it.  It just takes time to see the results. Agricultre teaches patience,” Bloomfield states. 

Bloomfield and Headley expressed gratitude to the many involved parties that make the greenhouse possible and credited the various volunteers, including students in the FFA, administrators, and teachers, who spend additional hours operating the greenhouse in the spring.  

Wheeling Park High School currently offers a competitive CTE program with 15 course offerings available for students. Wheeling Park High School and Ohio County Schools can be followed on Facebook and Instagram for up-to-date information. 

  • Karin Butyn was born and raised in Wheeling, WV. A graduate of Wheeling Central, West Liberty University, and Wheeling Jesuit University, Karin spent nearly a decade teaching both English as Second Language and Reading Language Arts. She is currently in her third year as an Assistant Principal for Ohio County Schools. In her free time, she enjoys running and music. She and her husband, TJ, are raising their young sons, Finn and Watson, in Warwood.

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