The Gateway Center Project Offers a New Vision of Wheeling’s Suspension Bridge, and of the City’s Future
Positive and Progressive: Wheeling Makes Social Change HappenEllen Brafford McCroskey July 10, 2020Wheeling has received national attention after voting in West Virginia’s first openly transgender elected official, Rosemary Ketchum. Now, we reflect on the significance of recent steps taken by the city to be more inclusive.
WHEELING@WORK: Ward 6’s Dave Palmer — a Good NeighborEllen Brafford McCroskey June 19, 2019Editor’s note: Our series, “Wheeling@Work,” is an effort to provide readers with insight and information into our city government, highlighting...
WHEELING@WORK: Ward 5 Representative Loves his NeighborhoodEllen Brafford McCroskey June 4, 2019y Thorngate loves Ward 5 — and his family’s neighborhood in particular. “Now I know this might be coming from...
Wheeling’s Human Rights CommissionEllen Brafford McCroskey February 13, 2019Recent social media posts would suggest that some local residents are unaware of the existence of the City of Wheeling’s...