Wheeling Central is well-known for the family bond among the faculty, students and alumni. Twin day is no exception to this tradition of unity. The people that make up the CCHS family were able to dress down in pairs. Throughout the classes, one could see doppelgangers dressed in similar clothing. Two seniors dressed up in a blue striped shirt and khakis. Some girls wore their cheerleader uniforms with a maroon top and black skirt. Others showed pride in the presidential candidate for whom they were voting. Of course, there were those who went all out and dressed in hospital scrubs or Cookie Monster onesies. Some just did it casual with grey t-shirt and jeans. Although, even though the twins varied in style, it’s that style that adds character to the pair. What is the significance? It represents the unity among friends in the Central society. We are one big family here. Friends could be picked out among the dozens of “twins” inhabiting the halls of the school Tuesday.
Unity and family are a part of Wheeling Central as any sport or academics are. Homecoming is a time to bear school pride for the community to see. CCHS is a united front. This can be easily seen at the games, dances, or service projects like the canned food drive. Tradition is a part of this school, a defining feature of what the school is. Homecoming is the first big kick-off of the academic year showing our school pride. A tradition that spans generations is worthy of the pride that people have in it. Go, Knights!!
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