Online Show of Hands Voting Begins Today!

Starting today through Oct. 31, four local entrepreneurs are depending on the community to participate in Wheeling Heritage’s Virtual Show of Hands crowdfunding event. In lieu of an in-person event, Wheeling Heritage Media has produced short videos of each participant explaining how winning the Show of Hands would impact their business. 

For a $5 contribution, viewers can cast their vote through Wheeling Heritage’s website with 100% of the donations awarded to the winner. The video with the most votes by the end of the voting period will receive about $4,000 for his or her business.

The following local entrepreneurs are in the running in hopes of securing funding for their businesses. Watch their videos and then go to to vote for your favorite. 

Everette Gray Jr.

Everette has a vision of turning a vacant lot in his North Park neighborhood into a convenient store that would provide necessary goods to those living in the community. Gray’s hope is that On Deck will serve as both as a corner store and place to build community pride. 

[template_part type="video" title="Everette Gray Jr. - On Deck Corner Store" description="Everette has a big vision for a vacant lot in North Park. Find out how he plans to transform the space into a community market. " url=""]

Drew Hollis

Wheelcraft Bicycles has been a staple in Elm Grove for decades, and it’s now under new ownership. Longtime employee Drew Hollis took over the business earlier this year and plans to give his shop an updated look. If he wins Show of Hands, Hollis plans to invest in a new logo, signage and updates around the shop to mark a new era for his store. 

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[template_part type="video" title="Drew Hollis - Wheelcraft Bicycles" description="You've probably heard of Wheelcraft Bicycles, but did you know it's under new ownership? Check out Drew's vision for the next era of this business." url=""]

Melissa Rebholz

Since becoming a full-time private chef, Chef Melissa Rebholz noticed a need for more mobile food vendors in Wheeling and the surrounding areas. She hopes to expand her business by purchasing a food trailer to serve up her locally-sourced meals to folks around the Ohio Valley. 

[template_part type="video" title="Melissa Rebholz - Midge's Kitchen" description="Help Chef Melissa create a unique concept for a new food truck in Wheeling." url=""]

Taylor Lucas Rys

With decades of dance experience and a professional background in behavioral and occupational therapy, Taylor Lucas Rys is merging her two passions at her downtown dance studio. Rys’ Be A S.T.A.R. program is an integrative approach to dance that is ideal for students with Autism, Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and more. Winning Show of Hands would help support the Be A S.T.A.R program with additional staff, equipment, and room adaptations to accommodate students of all abilities.

[template_part type="video" title="Taylor Lucas Rys - Rysing Star Dance Academy" description="Help Taylor purchase equipment and hire staff for her all-inclusive dance program. " url=""]
  • Alex Panas is a writer, communication professional, and community builder. She is passionate about working with artists, small business owners, and community members to co-create meaningful experiences that foster a sense of community pride. In her free time, Alex enjoys gardening, perfecting her sourdough recipe, cuddling with her four cats, and chasing her five chickens around in her backyard.

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