Arts and Cultural Commission and Clientele Art Studio Add Some Color to East Wheeling

Wheeling’s Arts and Cultural Commission is shifting its focus to public art in the coming year and wasting no time engaging local artists and small businesses in the process. Following a proposal passed at August’s commission meeting, Clientele Art Studio in East Wheeling received a grant to hire a local artist to complete a mural on the studio’s evolving facade.

“Clientele has been going through some much-needed renovations during the pandemic, and one of the final touches before our opening weekend September 10th was an idea for a mural on the facade of the brick building. With the help of the Arts and Cultural Commission, we were able to hire a local artist, Vondel Bell and fund supplies for the project as well,” said Clientele owner, William Wallace.

Local artist and muralist Vondel Bell designed and painted the mural last week with pops of primary colors in geometric patterns adding a truly bright outlook to Clientele’s upcoming opening, and the evolving community of East Wheeling.

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  • Clientele owner Will Wallace has made substantial renovations to the inside of the studio, but the outside was also in need of some TLC.

“Community investment in the arts not only gives our residents an escape from the worries of the world today, but it also drives our local economy,” said Betsy Sweeny, chair of the Wheeling arts and cultural commission. “Unique public art and events drive revenue for our local small businesses creating a self-sustaining economy where artists and business owners can work hand-in-hand to generate local commerce opportunities.”

According to a study by Americans for the Arts entitled Arts and Economic Prosperity III, for every dollar spent on the arts, there is a $9 return on investment in the community. The impact of investing in a local art and cultural infrastructure is an underestimated force to drive the economy and quality of life for residents. Local business revenue increases as tourism rises along with it.

The City of Wheeling Arts and Cultural Commission supports and promotes Wheeling’s arts and cultural communities. They are committed to being the catalyst for a long-term rich, inclusive arts and cultural experience in Wheeling.