The start of a new year often comes with lofty goals to overhaul our routine and implement new healthy habits – with health and self-improvement ranking at the top of the list. While there’s nothing wrong with working towards a goal, it’s also important to be realistic, take it slow and be gentle with yourself. This comic by Shapelessflame reminds us that it’s okay to keep it simple in our pursuit of health and wellbeing.

• Natalie Kovacs is an illustrator under the moniker Shapelessflame. She has a bachelor’s degree in English literature and a minor in graphic art from Carlow University of Pittsburgh. In her spare time, you’ll find her frolicking through the woods, reading and collecting countless books, crowd surfing at concerts, or testing out new vegetarian recipes. She lives in Bethesda, OH with her husband, son, and their four mischievous cats.