Champion of Children 2019

Local Group Seeking Nominations for Champion of Children Awards

Contact: Claudia Raymer, Executive Director
Phone: (304) 232.5600


Wheeling, WV – Nominations are now being accepted for the Deborah Doleski Allen Champion of Children Awards which are presented each April by the Ohio County Partners in Prevention Team. Recipients of this award are individuals who have dedicated their time and efforts to children and families in Ohio County in order to help them achieve happy and healthy childhoods. Nominees should be those that go above and beyond with their outstanding efforts in the community.

The Ohio County Partners in Prevention Team will review nominations at the end of March meeting and three recipients will be selected and then notified the following week. Some examples of previous winners and nominees have been: Child care providers, CASA volunteers, teachers, principals, doctors, Birth to Three providers, social services case workers, police officers, and many other professionals and volunteers. There is no requirement to nominate someone in a specific field. Simply think of a person who selflessly gives their time and attention to help children and families live happier, healthier lives. The Ohio County Partners in Prevention Team is dedicated to focusing on the positive aspects of child abuse prevention, including highlighting extraordinary efforts given by extraordinary people.

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Send nominations to with subject line Champion of Children Nomination and include name of person being nominated, their place of employment/service, their phone number and email address, contact information for the person making the nomination and 400 words or less about why the person is being nominated.

Nominations must be received by March 26th. Winners will be honored in a virtual ceremony on April 23rd. This event is one of several taking place in April to celebrate Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month. Other events include Pinwheels for Prevention, parent and professional workshops and Wear Blue Day in local schools.