New Resident Invites Wheeling To Concert

By Scott Glysson

Weelunk Contributor

Scott is a professor at WLU and assumed the position of Director of Choral Activities in August

When my wife and I moved to Wheeling in June of this year, we really didn’t know what to expect.  We had spent the previous four years in Tucson Arizona, and grew accustomed to the warm weather.  In addition, we both grew up in the Northern Virginia, DC Metropolitan area, where to be honest, West Virginia in our minds was a place to go gamble. To amplify things, we had always lived in communities with a vibrant arts scene.  We anticipated the move to Wheeling would be a big adjustment.

Upon arriving at Wheeling, I couldn’t believe how wrong I was.  Within our first week here, we attended a performance of a world class symphony, went to a wine tasting, and attended a community festival in the downtown area.  Wheeling is, indeed, an arts town!

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That was the impetus behind our upcoming concert “A Holiday Card to Wheeling.”  With so many quality choral groups in the Ohio Valley, I thought it only right to showcase them.   This concert will include Brooke HS Madrigal Singers, Wheeling Park Young Patriots, Triadelphia Middle School Chorus, Arthur Boreman Elementary School Chorus, and St. Matthews Episcopal singers, WLU two choruses (of course!) as well as faculty Brass and Strings.  There will be over 200 performers in this concert, from all over the Ohio Valley, all sponsored by West Liberty University.

Even more importantly, it is a chance for the arts to do what the arts do best: support the community. A free-will donation taken at the concert will go to benefit Laughlin Memorial Chapel’s After School Program.  There is nothing like people of all ages coming together to support a cause, especially at this time of year.

I hope you will join us for this concert. Tickets are free, but we do reserve them ahead of time.  Please call 304-336-8930 to reserve yours!

Uniting the Community in Song.  “A Holiday Card to Wheeling”, Sun Dec 7 at 3 and 7PM, Vance Presbyterian Church.