Park Players to Present Shakespeare Comedy ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’Provided November 16, 2019An evening of fantasy and whimsy await audience members who witness a classic Shakespeare comedy when the Park Players of...
Park Players to Present Classic Gershwin Musical ‘Crazy for You’Provided April 27, 2019Witness a classic Gershwin musical production when the Park Players of Wheeling Park High School present its spring musical, Crazy...
Park Players ‘On the Town’Provided April 30, 2018Experience a classic Broadway production when the Park Players of Wheeling Park High School present the spring musical, On the...
Park Players, with Legacy Members, to Present ‘Cinderella’Steve Novotney April 7, 2017Mom was involved with the Park Players and was a member of the record-setting speech and debate team at Wheeling...