POSTSCRIPTS FROM THE EDGE(WOOD): The 21st Century Marriage SaverChristina Fisanick May 11, 2019hen Hazlett and Irene (Miller) Cochran built what would later become my Edgwood home in 1926, marriage looked quite a...
POSTSCRIPTS FROM THE EDGE(WOOD): Sledding in the Ohio Valley — A Family TraditionChristina Fisanick January 26, 2019It was the first snow of 2019. Two inches or so covered the lawns and sidewalks throughout Wheeling with a...
POSTSCRIPTS FROM THE EDGE(WOOD): Christmas Tree Prey for Praying MantisesChristina Fisanick December 29, 2018When I woke up that morning, they were everywhere. Hundreds of tiny insects were swarming in the dim morning light...
To All the Halloween Babies Like MeChristina Fisanick October 31, 2018At 6:01 a.m. on Oct. 31, 1973, little old me came screechin’ and bawlin’ into this world. Yes, I am...
POSTSCRIPTS FROM THE EDGE(WOOD): The Pleasure of the Sunday DriveChristina Fisanick October 14, 2018Once cars became more affordable in the 1920s and ‘30s, families began to enjoy the ritual of the Sunday drive....
POSTSCRIPTS FROM THE EDGE(WOOD): The Fine Art of Porch SittingChristina Fisanick July 21, 2018Edgewood-Woodsdale is a neighborhood with sittable porches. Although we have few vast verandas, many of our porches easily accommodate a...
POSTSCRIPTS FROM THE EDGE(WOOD): I’ll Take the Back EndChristina Fisanick June 30, 2018During that first coveted week of spring that seemed like it would never arrive, my family and I fired up...
POSTSCRIPTS FROM THE EDGE(WOOD): Her Name Is DeloresChristina Fisanick May 19, 2018“Not all those who wander are lost.” J.R.R. Tolkien At times it seems that she is everywhere. Walking down Walnut...