The Wheeling SleepOut took place on Friday, Nov. 2, at the Miracle League Field at the J.B. Chambers Sports Complex off I-470. It raised more than $56,000 for Youth Services System Inc.’s Transitional Living Program that serves homeless youth and youth transitioning out of foster care and other custodial care in the Ohio Valley.
Below are some scenes from the event.
Liam Kruse, left, and Hadassah Titus-Glover of Wheeling stand with Liam’s airplane design. His team, UAE Airline #747, won second place in overall design, and he was the third highest individual fundraiser.From left, Rhonda Beazel of Wheeling, SleepOut founder and coordinator Sondra Jackson, and top individual fundraiser Rumer Beazel try to keep warm at the SleepOut.From left, Ava Mick, Asa Mick, Ted Todd and Caleb Dodd, all of Wheeling, were part of the third-place design winner Jenna’s Jacks.