The Weelunk App Has Arrived

As nears its eight-month anniversary, we reflect on Wheeling’s famous welcoming of new arrivals to the city. Lydia Boggs welcomed National Road and Henry Clay (scandal!); the foot of Wheeling Hill accepted Sam McCullough and his white horse (ouch!); we threw a major party when Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth came to town in 1933 as the New York Yankees played the Wheeling Stogies (Home Run!).

Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce the arrival of the Weelunk App.  Why should you be excited? Here are the advantages of downloading and using the App:

Ease of Use

Over 70 percent of our readers are getting their uniquely positive Wheeling information on a mobile device.  We are hearing from you that it is sometimes hard to connect directly to and that sometimes you do and sometimes you don’t find the latest Weelunk article.  In fact, of the 70 percent mobile users, 90 percent of those are reading our stories from a facebook post.  Actually, some of you are telling us that you didn’t even know Weelunk was an actual website.  Our concern here is that stories are not reaching our readers.  Did you know that we are averaging 10 stories per week?  By using the Weelunk app you are able to see every story, and you can do so without the hassle of a mobile or tablet search engine.

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Push Notifications

Just like any other app, our app will let you know when the latest story has been posted through “push notifications.” It will forward these alerts through badges, sounds, or custom text alerts, depending on your settings and mobile software.  When the Weelunk Weekender is posted every Thursday, for example, you will receive a notice that it is published, and you will be able to plan your weekend of “Doing Something” accordingly.

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Commenting and Sharing

Commenting on Weelunk stories requires no log-in, and now the app makes it super easy to respond to one of our stories.  Sharing stories on your favorite social media site or text and email can now be done in two clicks.

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It’s FREE!

No cost to download, no signing up for “subscriptions,” no crazy pop-ups showing you the latest local celebrity mug-shots or screaming car dealers —  just a clean, free local app.

Coolness Factor

Whether you live in Wheeling or abroad, you can now show your friends the hipster “W” wrapped in a hexagon and say, “Yes, West Virginia does have cool and interesting things going on.”

Now it’s time to download. Here are the links:



Google Play

Or go to the app store on your mobile device and search “weelunk.”

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Thank you for your support!

Thanks also go to the folks at Catchpoint Digital, who helped with our app’s creation.