Urgent Message Regarding the Winter Freeze Shelter

With the crushing appearance of January temperatures in November, Youth Services System is opening the Winter Freeze Shelter at its central office tonight. The Winter Freeze Shelter operates during the winter months as a warming shelter expanding the ability of Wheeling to keep its homeless adults safe. In the past five years, the shelter has been open from December 15 to March 15.

The Winter Freeze Shelter exists because of a community spirit—individuals volunteer to stay up at night from about 9 pm to 7 am to offer fellowship and a sense of security; food is provided from church groups, individuals, businesses and others. YSS offers the use of their administrative floor in their central office at 87 15th Street. Using two rooms as a men’s and a women’s dormitory, the guests of the Winter Freeze Shelter have food and beds for the night. Donations of gloves, hats, scarves, and coats are available to the Winter Freeze guests. With the help of other donors, worn out shoes can be replaced, medicine can be purchased.

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Last year, Dr. William Mercer had a team of health professionals there every Friday night, and in some instances, the team’s help was critical for guests with immediate health problems.

To be able to open this quickly is an example of what our community can do. On Sunday, volunteers from Christ United Methodist Church had made up the beds in the dorm rooms. When the decision was made to open, calls for volunteers and food went out. The Soup Kitchen has provided food, volunteers for tonight are in hand. Other food will be available. The Winter Freeze Shelter is open and night by night, we will take care of the guests who come to our door, thanks to a giving community. John Moses and YSS would like to thank everyone who has spread the word and stepped forward. “All prayers, thoughts, and assistance help make this shelter ministry possible,” Moses adds.

We need meals & volunteers. Also gloves, hats, long johns, boots, etc. Please contact Holly Fox if you can help: (304) 218-2847 or hfox@ysswv.com

For more information: YSS

God Bless you!