Weelunk’s First Six Months

Weelunk.com turned a half year on May 1, and the response from Weelunkers like you has been overwhelmingly positive.  With over 515,000 pageviews we are on target for 1,000,000 in our first year.  Thank you for being a part of this fantastic ride!

Weelunk’s head writer, Steve Novotney, interviews local legend Frank Scenna. Read the story here.

Weelunk’s mission is to support the revitalization of Wheeling, W.Va., by creating a platform for making connections and focusing on positivity.  We have been successful in sustaining our mission through revenue generated by advertising sales from local businesses and organizations like our new partners, The Wheeling Arts Fest and DePasqule’s Trattoria.  Weelunk has proven its ability to reach a local market (a younger, digitally engaged demographic that is searching for positive stories) that traditional forms of advertising have a hard time accessing.  Here are some statistics that we feel are indicators that Weelunk.com is a great piece of any local establishment’s marketing puzzle.

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515,000 Pageviews

141,000 Unique Visitors

5,522 Facebook Likes

Visits from all 50 states

Visits from 131 countries

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Weelunk’s demographic is well balanced.


390 Stories Published

72 “Weelunker” Authors

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Although usage is heavily focused in the Ohio Valley, there are fans of Wheeling, W.Va., in almost every Metro area in the USA.


Our ad spaces differ from other online sites that have rotating or annoying pop-ups.  We have no more than four exclusive spots in each section, and our ads do not rotate.  If you are interested in advertising,  or if you would like to contribute a story, please contact us at weelunk@weelunk.com.  We look forward to hearing from you and hope you are just as excited as we are for the next six months.


Help spread the #WeelunkFeelunk!