There and Wheeling Again


By Derrick McKee

Weelunk Contributor 

Four and a half years ago, I packed up my apartment on National Road in Wheeling and moved to Fairlawn, Ohio – an upscale suburb jammed between Akron and Cleveland. I knew my then girlfriend (now my wife), her dog, a few of her family members, and my soon-to-be-boss, but that was pretty much it.

Between then and now, we lived it up. We went to Cleveland’s Playhouse Square for live productions; we hit up restored speakeasies for hand-crafted 1920s style cocktails, wineries for picnics, or wine bars for flights and pairings. We became foodies (oh, the food, especially the curry…) during which time I learned how to cook foodie-food like a champ. We went to concerts, ballgames, and comedy clubs. In short, we had ourselves a blast.

But that was it: the key word is ourselves.

For whatever reason, assimilation into Fairlawn, Akron, or Cleveland, wasn’t easy. We made a bit of progress, but we found it too big, too anonymous, too “surface” to make deep, long-lasting relationships. Aside from a handful of great co-workers I genuinely liked (all of whom unfortunately lived an hour away in Youngstown), we really only had one couple to hang out with on the regular, and even they were 25-minutes away on the other side of Akron.

After three years, it became pretty clear that Fairlawn, while a great place to live, wasn’t a place that felt like home. At that point, I was fortunate enough to be offered a sales job with a territory adjacent to Wheeling, covering all of southwestern Pennsylvania as far as Johnstown. We talked it over and decided if I could get through a year-and-a-half of living out of a suitcase and traveling, we could use the job as an anchor to get us back to Wheeling as soon as my wife graduated from Akron University’s School of Law.

Those 18 months were exhausting. I was away from my wife, Morgan, and two dogs, Simon and Jasper, more than I was with them. Routines were thrown into an uproar, sacrifices were made, and communication skills got tested, but we made it work, because the light we saw at the end of the eighteen-month tunnel was Wheeling, and we knew that was the place for us.

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We knew Wheeling offered what we needed: good friends, plenty of family, a sense of community not overshadowed by the sheer numbers of the place, and plenty to do.

Huh? Plenty to do?! Bah! Humbug!

 You heard me right. Plenty. To. Do. Sometimes too much to do.

And that’s what I want to write about on Weelunk. I want to make sure everyone knows exactly what is possible when you’re living in a city like Wheeling, because it isn’t a small, boring town to grow old in. It is a friggin’ base camp! It just doesn’t always hit you over the head with what’s going on.

As Morgan and I re-assimilate into Wheeling with a new-found sense of appreciation that can only be obtained by moving away, I want to highlight, preview, and recap all of the great things going on, both big and small, that we end up getting into, not because I want to say, “Hey, look what WE did!” Rather, I want to say, “Hey, look what YOU can do!”

I want to promote this town, its events, and all of the great people working hard to turn this place around and are succeeding at their ventures. I want to change a few attitudes and inspire people to get involved as part of the reinvention.

After all, we aren’t just a hollowed-out steel town anymore; we’re one of the greatest small cities in America catching our second wind.

See Derrick’s Previous Weelunk Articles:

Derrick Reviews the Vagabond

Derrick Reviews Good Mansion Wines


Editors note: My wife and I have eclectic tastes and love trying new things. If you have ideas for me, please let me know about it by e-mailing me at, and maybe I’ll write about it!

  • Hey now! My name is Derrick McKee, and I was born-and-raised in Wheeling, WV. I attended West Virginia University, earned a BS in Business/Marketing, and an MS in Industrial Relations. I sell vaccines for a global company during the day, and have plenty of hobbies, passions, and pursuits that keep me busy at night, and on the weekends! My wife, Morgan, and our two Italian Greyhounds, Simon and Jasper, are my immediate world. They bring me so much happiness on a daily basis, it’s ridiculous. We moved back to Wheeling during the summer of 2014 to be closer to all of our good friends and family, who also keep us busy, and enrich our lives. Morgan and I like to stay busy. Our idea of a great Friday is: walking the dogs, heading to a wine tasting, and then grabbing a delicious dinner. The crazier the food, the better. Saturdays we like to hit walking trails, or do something new outdoors. I personally love trying new experiences, and am generally high on life. We love to travel, and prioritize vacations away. Whether it’s lounging on the beach in the Caribbean, or exploring the misty mountains of Ireland, our goal is to get away and experience other cultures, and embed those experiences back into our daily lives, and into Wheeling. I love Wheeling, and feel it’s a great city going through a reinvention. I hope to be a part of building it as it catches its second wind, and love interacting with anyone who feels the same. If you see me out, please say hello and introduce yourself!

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