Bernie Sanders

Wheeling is Feeling the Bern

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or actively avoiding the internet for the past week, you’ve probably seen your fair share of memes featuring U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. While many guests of the 46th presidential inauguration on Jan. 20 were decked out in designer threads, Senator Sanders opted for more practical attire, including his signature beige jacket and a pair of large, cozy mittens. His casual choice of clothing paired with seemingly unenthusiastic body language quickly took the internet by storm.

Since Sanders’ image went viral, he’s appeared sitting next to Forrest Gump at an Alabama bus stop, on The Iron Throne from the HBO Series Game of Thrones, and he even sat with Marvel’s Avengers. Wheeling businesses, artists, and individuals joined in on the fun too. We’ve collected the best of Bernie in Wheeling to share with you.

Artsy Bernie

While many folks relied on Photoshop to create their Bernie masterpieces, local artist Robert Villamagma created his own version using paint and an X-acto knife. He posed his newest creation in front of popular spots around town.

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Chilly Bernie

Bernie Sanders Thrive

ThrIVe Wheeling, an alternative wellness spa in Downtown Wheeling, used the moment to promote their Cryo services.

Local Bernie

Bernie Sanders Public Market

Bernie stopped by The Public Market in Downtown Wheeling to try some fresh, WV-grown food from the market.

Sweet Bernie

Bernie Sanders Cookies

Bernie helped the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra raise some money for their organization with an impromptu Earn the Bern raffle. WSO’s Interim Executive Director Betsy Delk got creative in the kitchen and made one dozen Bernie mitten sugar cookies for a lucky WSO supporter.

Hungry Bernie

Bernie Sanders Alpha Tavern

“Undo’s Boys” Anthony “Herk” Sparachane, Nick Sparachane and Beau Catalano posted a photo with Bernie at the new Alpha Tavern in Woodsdale.

What were your favorite Bernie memes/photos? Tell us by leaving a reply below.

  • Alex Panas is a writer, communication professional, and community builder. She is passionate about working with artists, small business owners, and community members to co-create meaningful experiences that foster a sense of community pride. In her free time, Alex enjoys gardening, perfecting her sourdough recipe, cuddling with her four cats, and chasing her five chickens around in her backyard.

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