WHEELING SCENE: Pride on the Plaza

The Friendlier City Project hosted its inaugural Pride on the Plaza event on Saturday, June 10, 2023. With hundreds of people in attendance, this celebration of LGBTQ+ culture and community was a hit. Throughout the day, people from across the Ohio Valley came together at Market Plaza to support this event, while enjoying live entertainment, food, art, and a vendor market with 40+ small businesses and local organizations.

The Wheeling Heritage Media Team attended Pride on the Plaza to help document the day through a “Portraits on the Plaza” photo project. This project prompted attendees to pause amidst the hustle and bustle of the festival to have their portraits taken. The goal was to allow participants to feel seen, capturing a glimpse into the world of each individual while surrounded by the activity of the day’s event. It was wonderful to see people from all walks of life participate in this project. Browse through the gallery below to see the results!

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Editors Note: Wheeling Scene is a new series featuring photos from select events held in Wheeling. Our goal through this series is to help capture and share moments that showcase the people, places, and events that make our city unique. If you have an event that you think we should capture, send an email to weelunk@weelunk.com for consideration.

Wheeling Heritage Media creates a variety of multimedia experiences in order to tell Wheeling’s story, both past and present. Through videos, podcasts, photos, and more, they create content and provide digital access to help more people feel connected and engaged with this vibrant, growing community.

  • Wheeling Heritage Media, a subsidiary of Wheeling Heritage, creates a variety of multimedia experiences in order to tell Wheeling’s story, both past and present. Through videos, podcasts, photos, and more, they create content and provide digital access to help more people feel connected and engaged with this vibrant, growing community.

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