2015 Top Ten: Stories By You

Recently we shared our 2015 Top Ten “Steve Novotney” and “IDEAS” stories.  Today we wrap up the year in review with a shout out to our readers, followers, advocates, investors, advertisers and all around Weelunkers.  Here are the Top Ten stories of the year from you, our community contributors.

Editor’s Note: This Top Ten list was complied using ‘analytics’ and social media engagement data.


The Mabel Files

Gerry Griffith

All Year

The resounding favorite of all contributed stories, this 24 part series focuses on a family making a living in South Wheeling in the twentieth century. The Mabel Files makes you smile, cry and feel good about Wheeling, often all at the same time. Sadly, we lost Mabel in 2015. RIP Mabel.


The “Stag”: The Myth, The Legend

Christina Greer

May 2015

"The Stag" (aka Bambi) as he sits on his pedestal near the Mansion Museum at Oglebay Park.
This wonderfully written and well researched story gives the reader the true story of an Oglebay Park Icon.


Avalon on the Ohio

Sean Duffy

September 2015

Belle Isle swimming beach on Wheeling Island
Did you know that there was once a Coney Island-style amusement park on the now uninhabited island north of Wheeling Island? Neither did we.


Sam Mason: Wheeling’s Deadliest Outlaw

Joe Roxby

April 2015

sam mason
During the Fort Henry days there was Sam McCullough and his “leap”, but there was also Sam Mason.


New Generation of Italians Call Wheeling Home

Katrina Mosman

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February 2015

The modern day story of European immigrants making Wheeling their home and loving it.


The Secret Sisterhood of the Ohio Valley Roller Girls

Angela Rehbein

April 2015

OVRG 2015
The pictures alone make this one worth a look, but the story is even better.


Ohio Valley Pride: Then and Now

Matt DiLorenzo

November 2015

Pep Rally Smaller
8,000 people showed up to Wheeling Island to see the Patriots win the State Football Championship this year, and to gain redemption for 1991.


The Hempfield Haunting

Rich Knoblich

October 2015

Lead Plate 2M
An in-depth look at the section of Downtown Wheeling that some say is home to many spirits.


Only in Wheeling

Steve Criniti

All Year

A family moves to town and finds the true soul of Wheeling, WV.


Storytelling: Court Day in West Liberty

Earl Nicodemus

January 2015

Blacks Cabin
A great story about the “Johnny Appleseed” of West Liberty, WV.