Amazing Raise: Help Transform the Woodsdale Playground

Every year, the Ohio Valley community rallies around a number of hard-working non-profits or noble causes to stretch their donated dollars through the Amazing Raise. While we know there are many, many worthwhile groups doing important work in our community, we’re reaching out today to ask you to support the development of the Woodsdale Playground.

It’s no secret that kids need to move – a lot – in order to stay healthy and fit, and in order to process and maximize what they’re learning in the classroom. There’s abundant research reinforcing the connection between movement or free play and a child’s academic achievement as well as emotional and mental health. Several Woodsdale students experience real challenges at home, which they bring to the classroom, limiting their ability to achieve and thrive despite the best efforts of the excellent educators at the school.

Woodsdale School is the largest elementary school in Ohio County, serving almost 500 students, approximately 44% of whom qualify for free/reduced lunch, meaning they live in low-income households. If you’ve driven by this beloved school on the corner of Rt. 88 and National Rd., you may have noticed children running around playing on a large asphalt lot, with some painted games and figures underfoot, and maybe a kickball and a couple of jump ropes at play. Well, in case you’ve been wondering, YES, this is the only play area for these children. The beautiful field and creek just across the street is off-limits to them, so there’s no green space; the lack of trees mean there’s limited shade on the hottest days; there’s no swing-set or slide hidden from view – the asphalt lot is the only play structure to be found; and the rough and crumbling asphalt means there are many a scraped knee and palm when the kids do decide to run around in the space they’re given.

This is why a passionate group of parents and community members have banded together with Woodsdale staff to develop a fund-raising plan to build a playground at this school worthy of the children it serves. The exciting and unique twist here is that the group is partnering with the City of Wheeling to create a playground that can be utilized by the many families in this community! Given the state of the playgrounds and parks in the neighborhood, this is a much-needed space: green, clean, safe, and one that will inspire movement and play for kids of all ages. Given the myriad needs throughout the county (including big-ticket items like new roofs and updated security features), and the stark fiscal state they are facing, Ohio County Schools is not able to fully fund this need. The school board will be supporting the project by updating the fencing, donating the property, and providing ongoing maintenance of the playground.

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Please consider supporting this project through today’s Amazing Raise! You can visit their website,, and donate via credit card. We’d love to win one of the top organizations donated to, making us eligible for an additional $1,000 to $3,000! lf we get everyone to donate online during a certain time frame, we can possibly raise an additional $500 towards the playground. Our “matching” time-slot is 1OPM to 11 :59PM, tonight – so that’s the ideal time to make your donation. Set your alarm so that you don’t miss it!

If you can’t support us in this way, please consider our first ever fundraiser, “Let’s Play 5k”, click here to sign up: Let’s Play 5k.

The children of Woodsdale Elementary school, as well as the families in the neighborhood who will get to use this playground for years to come, thank you!

Check out this video for more info:

Find out which other Wheeling area organizations are participating in the amazing raise here.…Good luck to all of them.

Note: this article is a paid advertisement for the Woodsdale PTO Playground Project – but we are rooting for all of you!!

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