LACE UP YOUR SNEAKERS FOR THE OGLEBAY TURKEY TROT 5KLindsey McGlaughlin November 18, 2017Â Looking to burn off some of those Thanksgiving calories? Lace up your sneakers and join us for the Turkey Trot...
Oglebay Flips the Switch to On TonightLindsey McGlaughlin November 9, 2017More than 300 acres of Oglebay’s picturesque landscape will come alive with twinkling light displays on Thursday, Nov. 9 as...
Boo at the Zoo Kicks Off With “Freaky Friday”Lindsey McGlaughlin October 11, 2017Ghouls and goblins of all ages will enjoy nine nights of family fun at Boo at the Zoo, the annual...
The 40th Annual Oglebayfest Is This WeekendLindsey McGlaughlin October 5, 2017The Ohio County Fair, the Phil Maxwell Artists’ and Gourmet Market in Mansion Woods, the Rathskeller, a parade and fireworks...
Oglebay Unveils New Garden Works Sculpture ExhibitLindsey McGlaughlin August 13, 2017Experience Oglebay’s historic Bissonnette Gardens like never before as Oglebay launches the new Garden Works Sculpture Exhibit at The Hilltop....