Clientele Art Studio Decks The Halls with Skateboard Art Show

This holiday season, local artists have been working to turn wooden skateboard decks into works of art for one of Clientele Art Studio’s signature events, Deck The Halls.  The event begins at 8 p.m. with a live auction for the custom skateboards kicking off at 9 p.m.

Deck the Halls was established in 2018 by local artist Chad Fullerton and Clientele Art Studio. The art exhibit is a collective of skateboard decks designed by local artists and auctioned off live at the show’s opening on Saturday, December 17.  Clientele has a bar and catering is provided by Whisk Bakery. 

This is the fourth time the event has been hosted at Clientele, and has previously raised over $16,000 for Wheeling charities. This year, the beneficiaries will include Clientele Art Studio itself, and the artists participating in the exhibit. 

“Every year we hold this event the artists come up with more and more creative ways to turn their skateboard decks into stunning pieces of art,” said Clientele owner, William Wallace, “We’re excited to see what they come up with this year for the show.”

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Over 30 skateboard decks will be on display and available for purchase at the event. Artists participating in the invitational art show include: Logan Schmitt, Autumn Mercer, Mindi Langford, Rachel Dennison, Morgan Wiedebusch, and many more local favorites.

Deck the Halls is free to enter. The event begins at 8 p.m. Live-auction begins at 9 p.m. Boards won in the auction will be available to take home that same night. Holly jolly attire is optional but encouraged. Clientele Art Studio is located at 43 15th St, Wheeling. Learn more at

About Clientele Art Studio

Clientele Art Studio is an art gallery, bar and studio space that also offers indoor/outdoor event space for rent. Clientele’s mission is to provide local artists with a place to create and display their art that allows more artists to make a career in the arts. Visit Clientele Art Studio online at or on Facebook and Instagram