Suicide, a Suspicious Drowning and Good Times Are Brewing at People’s University

Editor’s note: The Ohio County Public Library has launched its 26th People’s University, an eight-week series featuring weird, wild, wacky, whimsical stories from Wheeling, including: Native-American oddities, frontier follies, Civil War conundrums, Victorian unconventionalities, Progressive Era incongruities, political peculiarities, hotel hijinks, morbid mysteries and more! Let Weelunk give you just a little insight into these programs — but don’t miss the expanded presentations at the library! Today, we get a sneak peek into Week Five of the series, set to unfold at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 7.

Wheeling has always been known for its rich history in the brewing industry, but many do not realize that Wheeling’s brewers were also some of the town’s most interesting characters.

At the next People’s University, hear some strange stories about “Poor Henry Daub,” a Wheeling brewer and bottler who succumbed to a tragic death at Mount Wood Cemetery.

There’s also Chris Siebke, a prominent German citizen, bottler, and saloon owner who mysteriously drowned on the Ohio River, which led to much speculation about his disappearance and death.

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And lastly, the evening will end by recalling the stories of Henry Schmulbach and his enjoyment of Wheeling’s nightlife.

Most Wheeling history buffs are well aware that Schmulbach was involved in an altercation on Stamm’s Lane that resulted in the death of a man, and many can easily name some of his successful business ventures. Schmulbach, though, also led a very interesting social life, and many of his rendezvous throughout the city of Wheeling will be uncovered during Tuesday’s presentation.

Ryan Stanton is a 2002 graduate of Wheeling Park High School. In 2006 he graduated from West Liberty State College with a bachelor’s degree in history and later earned a master’s degree in social studies education from West Virginia University. For nine years, Ryan has been a social studies teacher at Wheeling Park High School where he teaches AP U.S. government and politics and the history of Wheeling.

  • Ryan Stanton is a 2002 graduate of Wheeling Park High School. In 2006 he graduated from West Liberty State College with a bachelor’s degree in history and later earned a master’s degree in social studies education from West Virginia University. For 13 years, Ryan has been a social studies teacher at Wheeling Park High School where he teaches AP U.S. government and politics and the history of Wheeling.

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