Summer Supper Social on the Plaza

Some folks see orange cones, closed streets, massive potholes and never-ending construction when they drive through downtown, but Sarah Lydick sees a special evening spent outside cooking and serving food with her friends.

Sarah, co-owner of Sarah’s on Main, had a vision one evening while passing by Market Plaza with its string lights aglow. She saw long tables under the lights with folks enjoying a seasonal meal under the stars. Thus the “Summer Supper Social on the Plaza” was born. With everything on her plate, Sarah thought it would be fun to throw an event like this with a little help from some friends. She first approached Lara Graves, co-owner of Elle & Jacks and Avenue Eats, and once Lara was onboard the supper started to take shape. Along with Libbi Gramby from Table 304, I was also added to the roster of local businesses providing food through my business, Midge’s Kitchen.

I asked Lara about the significance of partnering with so many small women-owned businesses. She said “some people assume we are each other’s competition with some of the same offerings (lunches, catering, etc.) but we’re all friends and this is an opportunity for us to be collaborators. Sarah added “it gives us the opportunity to work together instead of just being a patron at each other’s businesses. This is a lot more fun”. This supper truly highlights women in the local culinary community.

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  • Grazing Table by Table 304

When I moved to Wheeling in 2019, I immediately felt how welcoming the other small food business owners were. Two of the first peers I met here were Lara and Sarah. In winter of 2021, I participated in the CO.STARTERS program at Wheeling Heritage where I met Libbi as we were both developing our business plans. It feels full circle that we have all become good friends and are cooking this meal together.

The menu is still taking shape as the group plans to create a seasonal meal utilizing locally sourced ingredients throughout the menu. What we DO know is there will be a gorgeous and delicious grazing board by Table 304, a trio of appetizers by Midge’s Kitchen and a 4 course meal by Sarah and Lara. So far a chilled seasonal soup, a bright salad and a braised beef dish are on the menu. There will be a cash bar on site with a favorite downtown bartender and the acoustic stylings of local musician Libby Adams will serve as the evenings’ entertainment.

The women have also hinted that this may just be the beginning of a series of suppers with a second event occurring in the Spring. If you think there is nothing to do downtown, think again; it’s happening! Tickets sold out for the September 19th dinner in less than 24 hours but stayed tuned for a follow up event.

  • Melissa Rebholz was born and raised in Buffalo, New York, to a Sicilian/German family. She grew up in a household revolving around food. In 2007, a summer of volunteering for GrowNYC (New York City's Farmer’s Markets) led her down the path to culinary school at The Natural Gourmet Institute and 10 subsequent years of farming from Long Island to Sonoma to Tennessee. Working simultaneously in kitchens to support her farming habit, Melissa migrated back to the rustbelt in October of 2019 to help Grow Ohio Valley open the Public Market as the head chef. Her hobbies include foraging, baking, dinner parties and exploring her new home of Wheeling, West Virginia.

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