Watch C-SPAN’s Wheeling Coverage Here

In mid-December several representatives from C-SPAN spent nearly a week in the Wheeling area interviewing local historians like Ohio County Magistrate Joe Roxby, Margaret Brennan, Travis Henline, and Dr. David Javersak.

Click here to watch: C-SPAN / Wheeling

C-SPAN’s “Cities Tour” is made possible by a partnership with Comcast, and the local segments recorded throughout the week aired on the non-fiction book channel Book TV.

The selected topics are the following:

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  • Independence Hall, the birthplace of West Virginia;
  • Earl Oglebay and his contributions to the Wheeling community;
  • The National Road and the decision to bring it through Wheeling;
  • The Lincoln Day speech given by U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy on Feb. 9, 1950, at the McLure Hotel in downtown Wheeling;
  • Wheeling’s Frontier Era;
  • Authors Jeff Rutherford and Dan Weimer;
  • The special collections within the Ohio County Public Library, including the content archives within the, “Wheeling Room”;
  • And the Palace of Gold at the New Vrindaban community in Marshall County.