The Mabel Files: WWVA Jamboree and “It’s Wheeling Steel”Gerry Griffith April 3, 2015Mabel Files 11—Tom’s Radio Part 2 Lizzie Minns had a restless night that Saturday in January 1933. She tossed and...
Bethany Course: Welcome to the Real WorldRussell Dunkin April 2, 2015For many careers, an undergraduate degree is considered the minimum standard just to get in the door. But with unemployment...
Building Arts Expo Set For FridaySteve Novotney April 2, 2015Local residents will have the opportunity Friday evening to learn more about the building preservation projects currently taking place throughout...
Forzano Shares Alzheimer’s Experience To Educate OthersSteve Novotney April 1, 2015His mother doesn’t know him, and he doesn’t know what to think about that at times. He visits her daily,...
Geocaching: ‘Easter Egg’ Hunting, Year-RoundJesse Mestrovic April 1, 2015Spring is finally here, and after our long, snowy winter, I know we are all eager to get outside. Geocaching...
Fairytales Do Come True for Wheeling’s Party PrincessesMarilyn Mull March 31, 2015Little girls love fairytales, princesses, and playing dress up. I mean, it’s a girl thing. Eventually this childhood play gives...
Wheeling Local Movement Gets National AssistanceGlynis Board March 30, 2015West Virginia Public Broadcasting and Listen to story here: Momentum continues to mount behind local food and local...
The Tools Of The TradeBill Hogan March 30, 2015The biggest day of my life was the morning I put on my new knickers with the brand new leather...
Storch – Fluharty Q&A: Legislature’s Regular Session “Frustrating”Steve Novotney March 29, 2015They most definitely disagree with each other on occasion. But do Erikka Storch and Shawn Fluharty debate because she is...
The Wheeling Mob: Part 2Steve Novotney March 28, 2015(Writer’s Note: This is the second in a series of stories that will concentrate on the organized-crime scene in and...
Yodeling Dick Brooks and the Wheeling JamboreeBill Orkoskey March 28, 2015Let me tell you about the latest inductee into the Wheeling Jamboree,Yodeling Dick Brooks. He was introduced as a member...
Liquid Aloha Arrives in WheelingErin Carenbauer Ball March 27, 2015Aloha, Weelunk! It’s time for beer talk again, and this time we are “hanging ten” and introducing Wheeling to a...
Blast Off Apps Focusing on Local BusinessesSteve Novotney March 27, 2015“Greed.” That is Adam Paul’s one-word answer to why the small-business sector of the American economy has yet to tap...
1985 MixtapeLeeRoy March 26, 2015Cassette in the deck, press play. Track 1: Through 5th Grade Eyes / “Axel F” – Harold Faltermeyer
Winter Freeze Shelter is CelebratedMIke Toothman March 25, 2015 Feature Photo by Rebecca Kiger On Thursday night, March 19, a crowd of people celebrated another season of the...
Locals Needed for Local Foods, Local Places WorkshopSteve Novotney March 25, 2015Now is the time, Ken Peralta insists, for the community to become directly involved with a dual project along Grandview...
Another World To Land in Downtown WheelingSteve Novotney March 24, 2015It has been a notion in Aaron Badia’s mind for several years, and he believes now is the time to...
Crittenton’s Extravaganza a Trip Down the Rabbit HoleStacy Rich March 23, 2015 Crittenton’s 12th Annual Paint the Town Pink event, Pink in Wonderland, is scheduled for Saturday, March 28, at the Wheeling...
WPHS Superiority Is Beyond DebateSteve Novotney March 22, 2015When the streak began, the personal computer had yet to be introduced to the world. The Internet did not exist...
Valley Be QuirkyRich Knoblich March 21, 2015The mainstream labels it a revitalization of the Ohio Valley with Wheeling as the epicenter. But there’s a subtle underlying...
DiCarlo’s Pizza: A Family AffairSteve Novotney March 21, 2015She can’t answer the question. She can tell you the story about how the business was started 70 years ago,...
Remaking Wheeling: Are You All In?Wendy Scatterday March 20, 2015Straight out of the gate(way to the West) I should be clear on a few things: 1) Wheeling is fantastic....
Independence Hall One Of Wheeling’s ‘Gems’Steve Novotney March 20, 2015When you take a tour of the West Virginia Independence Hall with site manager Travis Henline as your guide, you...
WLU’s Dr. Zach Loughman Named Professor of the YearWeelunk Staff March 19, 2015West Liberty University’s Dr. Zachary J. Loughman was named the 2014 Professor of the Year in West Virginia by the...
The Mabel Files: Fireside Chats and the Flood of ’36Gerry Griffith March 19, 2015Mabel Files 10—Tom’s Radio Part 1 “He’s coming Mama and he’s got it,” 13-year-old Mabel called out to her mother,...
Local Mother Turns Tragedy Into TriumphSteve Novotney March 18, 2015Her oldest child came home to Wheeling during her final spring break from West Virginia University to play video games...
I am Looking for Real SyrupJesse Mestrovic March 17, 2015Weelunk encourages its readers to learn all about REAL syrup at Oglebay Institute’s Maple Sugaring Day, Saturday March 21… While...
Three Citizens Doing More Than SomethingSteve Novotney March 17, 2015Oh yes, people do make the difference. Gloria Delbrugge attends at least one meeting per day, most of which are...
On Being IrishBill Hogan March 16, 2015 I am Irish, I guess, because I don’t know what else to be. I am half German, but being German...
Pub Run Perfects An Unlikely CombinationRochambeau March 15, 2015A throng of more than 200 runners overcame some drizzly weather on Friday evening to participate in the 3rd annual...
McKinley Q & A: “Our brightest days are still ahead of us”Steve Novotney March 15, 2015Chicago. New York. Boston. San Francisco. And Wheeling? David McKinley gets a kick out of it when he is invited...
The Wheeling Mob: Part 1Steve Novotney March 14, 2015THE BOSSES, BOOKIES, AND BURGOYNE (Writer’s Note: This is the first in a series of stories that will concentrate on...
School Lunchroom: Opportunities AheadVishakha Maskey March 14, 2015I am very fortunate to be able to volunteer occasionally at my children’s school with the lunch duty. I enjoy...
What If We’ve Been Trying To Get To Where We’ve Always Been?Rochambeau March 13, 2015Amid the recent optimism about the future of Wheeling, I’ve had a thought in my head that I couldn’t quite...
Citizen Positions Open in Friendly CitySteve Novotney March 12, 2015Plenty of opportunities exist for Wheeling residents to get more involved with the decision-making that helps shape the municipality, but...
‘Hubapalooza’ Wants Wheeling’s InputSteve Novotney March 11, 2015The primary goal of the West Virginia Community Development Hub is to form partnerships with people and organizations from throughout...
Vegetarian Group Defines Its Own Valley CuisineLindsay Spaar March 11, 2015Over the past decade, grocery store chains have expanded their organic food sections from a few shelves into entire departments....
WANTED: People Providing Puzzle PiecesSteve Novotney March 10, 2015What piece of this puzzle can you provide? That’s an important question in the city of Wheeling right now, and...
Mabel Files: Wheeling’s Bonnie and ClydeGerry Griffith March 9, 2015By Gerry Griffith Weelunk Contibutor Wheeling Couple’s Bloody Crime Spree Keeps the Minns Confectionary Crew Buzzing When Tom Minns...
Little Ships and Big ShipsBill Hogan March 8, 2015I started in the securities brokerage business in 1957 with a Cincinnati firm named Westheimer & Co. It was a...
Scatterday Q&A: ‘I Had To Be Remade’Steve Novotney March 7, 2015If we can pretend for a moment that our brains are eggs-in-shells inside our heads, it would be easy to...
Disaster of the Steamboat SciotoRich Knoblich March 7, 2015Note: This is a fictional tale. Rich Knoblich, WV storyteller and a regular winner of the Liar Contest at the...
Hospitality The Key For Hitchman’s HamptonSteve Novotney March 7, 2015By Steve Novotney He knows every employee by name even without peering at their ever-present name tags, and he...
Through the Generations, a Legacy of SuccessDerrick McKee March 6, 2015By Derrick McKee Weelunk Contributor As you sit at one of the high-top tables circling the bar with your...
Snow Day, a PoemLauren Cuff March 5, 2015By Lauren Cuff Weelunk Contributor Snow Day I have coffee I keep my pajamas on I play music...
Playwrights Partner to Tell East Wheeling TaleSteve Novotney March 4, 2015By Steve Novotney This is a story about two Wheeling men in search of untold truths in an effort...
Pleasing Its Customers Drives Neely’s GrocerySteve Novotney March 4, 2015By Steve Novotney Two brothers are working the counter, another one is stocking the shelves, and another is manning...
Wheeling Green Table – Health, Wealth, and the Good LifeMary Ellen Cassidy March 3, 2015By Mary Ellen Cassidy Weelunk Contributor So, what is Wheeling Green Table, and what’s all this health, wealth, and...
Colby Homer and Wheeling’s Home Rental MarketSteve Novotney March 3, 2015By Steve Novotney It was her father’s business, and for decades Colby Homer watched, admired, and yearned to be...
The “Mabel Files” 8: When George Met MabelGerry Griffith March 2, 2015By Gerry Griffith Weelunk Contributor Nineteen-year-old George Griffith’s shovel dug into the hard Colorado soil and created a stone-on-metal scraping...