Wheeling Island, initially called Zane’s Island, is the most populated island on the Ohio River. Located directly across from North Wheeling and Downtown, the Island sits in between West Virginia and Bridgeport, Ohio. When the groundbreaking Wheeling Suspension Bridge was completed in 1849, it became much more accessible and desirable to live on the Island. Some of the richest and most well-known Wheeling residents built large Victorian-style houses on the banks of the river that still stand to this day. While the Island has been threatened by historic floods in the past, it became a part of life and residents raised their houses onto higher foundations.
The Island is home to all sorts of amenities including a school, churches, restaurants/bars, parks, and more. The Wheeling Island Stadium and the Wheeling Island Casino Resort provide entertainment and event space. If there is anything that cannot be found on the Island, it is easy to get from the Island to Downtown Wheeling via a walk/bike across the historic Wheeling Suspension Bridge or a drive across the Fort Henry Bridge.