Post-Christmas – Shop Small, Local BusinessChristie Contraguerro December 26, 2014By Christie Contraguerro Weelunk Contributor David & Goliath, The Little Engine that Could, The Tortoise and the Hare, all...
A Christmas Story for the Little HogansBill Hogan December 25, 2014By Bill Hogan From 1972 Weelunk Contributor THE GOSPEL OF ST. LUKE – AS AMENDED One day God picked...
Grab A Seat For ChristmasSteve Novotney December 24, 2014By Steve Novotney In case there is a last-minute, Christmas Eve shopper who is looking for a unique gift...
One Solution To A Difficult Question On Christmas MorningBill Hanna December 24, 2014By Bill Hanna Weelunk Contributor The Christmas season is upon us again, and that means children all over the planet...
She Preserves Wheeling’s Past for its FutureSteve Novotney December 23, 2014By Steve Novotney Rebekah Karelis never really knows what her workday will entail when she walks through the front...
A Greener LinslyBecca Wilson December 23, 2014By Becca Wilson Contributor As Wheeling takes initiatives to become a greener city, from supporting local farming efforts to...
A Mother’s Christmas MiracleSteve Novotney December 22, 2014By Steve Novotney I was misbehaving. A lot. And I was told I was on the naughty list. But...
Festival Of Lights – The Untold StoriesSteve Novotney December 21, 2014By Steve Novotney Bill Koegler would drive from Oglebay Park to the Greggsville section of Wheeling at the bottom...
Linsly Serves By Example in the CommunityWeelunk Staff December 21, 2014By Daniella Truong and Grace George (Linsly Sophomores) Edited By: Colin Kelly and Zach Spurrier (Linsly Seniors) Weelunk Contributors ...
Get Outside and Do Nothing!Alice Eastman December 20, 2014Photographs and Story By Alice Eastman Weelunk Contributor Climbing trees, making mud pies, rolling over logs, catching crayfish, building...
Bill Hogan: HorsesBill Hogan December 20, 2014I don’t know a lot about horses. What little familiarity I have is mostly from betting them. I worked at...
Six Bikes For Christmas MorningSteve Novotney December 19, 2014By Steve Novotney I was minding my own business and simply buying some Braunschweiger like my Grandma Novotney used...
Recycling The Recycling ProgramSteve Novotney December 18, 2014By Steve Novotney Many in the Friendly City would like to see the municipality adopt an improved recycling program...
Wheeling Central Beats Wheeling Park, Sort ofDavid Delk December 18, 2014Story and Photographs By David Delk Weelunk Contributor In a matchup of the two best middle-school girls basketball teams in...
C-SPAN Releases Plan To See Span, And Other Local SightsSteve Novotney December 17, 2014By Steve Novotney Nearly two centuries of history about Wheeling and the Upper Ohio Valley will be revealed to...
I Ate, I Ate, From A Locally Important PlateRochambeau December 16, 2014One of the great things about living in Wheeling is that there are so many friends and family members nearby...
C-SPAN To Feature Wheeling HistorySteve Novotney December 16, 2014By Steve Novotney An American cable and satellite network will be in town today to divulge what stories and...
Ohio County Schools Hold Holiday Donation DriveGabriel Wells December 16, 2014By Gabe Wells Weelunk Contributor Ohio County Schools students and staff members are doing all they can to ensure...
Wish to Be Heard At Council MeetingsSteve Novotney December 15, 2014By Steve Novotney “Those who wish to be heard.” It’s always the last item on every agenda for Wheeling’s...
Wheeling Jamboree Launches Its New Radio HomeChris Rouhier December 15, 2014by Chris Rouhier Weelunk Contributor Since its first show on April 1, 1933, the Wheeling Jamboree has entertained generations of...
The “Real” Santas of WheelingSteve Novotney December 14, 2014By Steve Novotney Tinsel was everywhere. It was wound around the downtown’s utility poles, and it outlined most storefront...
Victorian North Wheeling, A Place to Call HomeAngela Zambito Hill December 14, 2014By Angela Zambito Hill Weelunk Contributor When I travel, I enjoy studying urban residential architecture and going on period home...
The Whores, The Help, and The HooligansBill Hogan December 13, 2014Editors’ Note: Bill Hogan has offered to share with us a series of his recollections about life in long-ago Wheeling....
Fracking the PeopleSteve Novotney December 13, 2014By Steve Novotney I asked Belmont County Commissioner Matt Coffland what he thought of the fracking-under-the-Ohio-River proposal a couple...
Tourists Prefer FriendlySteve Novotney December 12, 2014By Steve Novotney Tomorrow is “Tourism Day” in the city of Wheeling. But it’s not a designated day. Mayor...
A Vast Cast Faces Its Last ActRobert Gaudio December 12, 2014By Robert Gaudio Weelunk Contributor When I auditioned for a role in Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” back in September,...
City Set To Vote On Plan And TaxSteve Novotney December 12, 2014By Steve Novotney Members of Wheeling City Council will cast a pair of imperative votes during their upcoming meeting...
People First, Capitalism FollowsSteve Novotney December 11, 2014By Steve Novotney OK, so the Professional Building on Market Street has a new owner, and so does the...
Charitable Giving, The Right WayJeffrey Yourkovich December 11, 2014Jeffrey Yourkovich, CPA Weelunk Contributor As we prepare our shopping list for Santa, does yours include making a donation to...
Coaches Pitch Players To Recruiting CollegesSteve Novotney December 11, 2014By Steve Novotney More than 30 football coaches from the Ohio Valley Athletic Association sat down with college recruiters...
Miracle on Market StreetSteve Novotney December 10, 2014By Steve Novotney Something very special took place at Oglebay Institute’s Towngate Theatre this past weekend. There were three...
WPHS Presents: Festival of SoundWeelunk Staff December 10, 2014 It’s that time of year again when over three hundred student musicians will present the 20th Anniversary performance of...
Community Foundation: Amazing Raise Prep BeginsSteve Novotney December 9, 2014By Steve Novotney Preparations for Amazing Raise 2015 officially will get under way this Thursday morning when officials of...
OPINION: Report Card for Ohio County SchoolsDavid Delk December 9, 2014By David Delk Contributor Each year the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) evaluates the performance of each public...
Ezra Hamilton Finds His Purpose On The StageSteve Novotney December 8, 2014By Steve Novotney Ezra Hamilton traveled many miles in search of a defined purpose in life. He didn’t know...
Q&A: Bob Thompson and Wheeling Native Mollie O’Brien – Joy To the WorldGlynis Board December 7, 2014 West Virginia Public Broadcasting and West Virginia Public Broadcasting Wheeling-native and vocalist Mollie O’Brien joins pianist Bob...
A Focus on Wheeling From PittsburghDaniel Finsley December 6, 2014By Daniel Finsley Weelunk Contributor I moved to Pittsburgh in 1999 to attend Art School. After graduation, I intended to...
Grandmother And Granddaughter Make A Dream Become A RealityBill Hanna December 6, 2014By Bill Hanna Weelunk Contributor It all began on the beach at Sandbridge, Va., during a family vacation 15 years...
There and Wheeling AgainDerrick McKee December 5, 2014 By Derrick McKee Weelunk Contributor Four and a half years ago, I packed up my apartment on National Road...
First Fridays Making ConnectionsSteve Novotney December 5, 2014 By Steve Novotney More than 30 businesses in downtown, Centre Market, East Wheeling, and North Wheeling are set...
The Growth Continues: Grow Ohio ValleySteve Novotney December 4, 2014Photographs and Story By Steve Novotney A Wheeling organization has gained the support of the federal government – top Appalachian...
The Gift of DNASteve Novotney December 4, 2014By Steve Novotney I’m 48 years old today, and I am a blessed man. I still have both of...
A Tour Through Clay SchoolSteve Novotney December 3, 2014Photographs and Story By Steve Novotney I lived directly across the street from Clay School for three years, and...
New Resident Invites Wheeling To ConcertScott Glysson December 3, 2014By Scott Glysson Weelunk Contributor Scott is a professor at WLU and assumed the position of Director of Choral Activities...
Weelunk’s First Month In ReviewRochambeau December 2, 2014It has been a crazy month. Weelunk launched on November 1st, and right from the start you, our users, have...
When to Cancel? Dr. Dianna VargoSteve Novotney December 2, 2014By Steve Novotney Now that the month of December has arrived, many local parents are asking themselves the same...
WPHS Cheerleaders Trained For SuccessKayley Miller December 1, 2014By Kayley Miller Wheeling Park High School, 11th Grade Editors Note: This story first appeared on on December 1...
Memories Can Help Reinvent WheelingSteve Novotney December 1, 2014By Steve Novotney I have an idea. It concerns Santa Claus. I don’t believe I get to see him...
Small Business Saturday RecapAllison Skibo December 1, 2014By Allison Skibo In 2010, American Express started a new holiday shopping tradition when they trademarked Small Business Saturday. The...
Confessions Of An Internet ShopperRochambeau November 30, 2014I have a guilty conscience, and Small Business Saturday has really heightened my struggle with my inner demons. You see,...